How social media has impacted customer service

How social media has impacted customer service

When you're building out your business it's important to take how you're going to support customers into consideration. Something I get asked about a lot is whether or not to use your website to support your customers. It used to be the case: someone wants customer...

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What’s really involved with a rebrand

What’s really involved with a rebrand

When you say the word “rebrand” to entrepreneurs you’re either met with jubilation or horror. Usually, a mixture of both. Rebranding is a complicated process that most entrepreneurs don’t understand completely, but they do understand it’s a massive pain in the ass.

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How to jumpstart your design

How to jumpstart your design

One of the biggest complaints I hear from DIY web designers is they don’t have a ton of time. There are somethings you can’t skip — you’ll need visual assets — but you can speed up the design process by using Divi’s portability feature.

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What to look for in a website host

What to look for in a website host

When you set up your website, finding a host is the first step. But if you don’t know what to look for in a company, how do you know if they’re any good?

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